Index of Help files
- Advanced settings
- Changing authentication method
- Course Cost
- Directory paths
- Filters Administration
- Language editing
- Upload groups
- Upload users
- Installation
Setting up courses
- Activity Modules
- Activity Reports
- Course availability
- Course categories
- Course enrollable
- Course enrolment plugins
- Course formats
- Course fullname
- Course ID number
- Course news items
- Course number of weeks/topics
- Course short name
- Course start date
- Course upload size
- Enrolment expiry notification
- Enrolment expiry notification students
- Enrolment expiry notification threshold
- Enrolment keys
- Enrolment period
- Group mode
- Group mode (forcing)
- Guest access
- Hidden sections
- Meta Course
- Recent Activity
- Scales
- Show grades
- Section summaries
- Teachers
- Uploading a picture
- Participants list actions
- Participation report
Reading and Writing
- Advanced Use of Markdown
- Asking Questions
- Reading
- Writing
- Formatting Text
- Editing HTML format
- Editing Text format
- Editing Markdown format
- Using the Richtext HTML editor
- Using Smilies (emoticons)
- Assignment types
- Comment inline
- Email teachers
- Page size
- Quick Grade
- Re-submit
- Allow deleting
- Maximum number of uploaded files
- Allow notes
- Hide description before available date
Chat module
- Allow Comments
- Available Tags
- Exporting as Zip
- Field Mappings
- Fields
- Import from a CSV file
- Importing Presets from Zip
- Maximum Entries
- Participants
- Require Approval
- Required Entries
- Required Entries Before Viewing
- Save as Preset
- Use Preset
- Allow discussions
- Attachment
- Forum type
- Forum Tracking type
- Max attachment size
- Ratings
- Number of RSS recent articles
- RSS feed for this forum
- Subscription
- Display Period
Glossary level help files
- Allow Print View
- Approval of entries
- Attachments for entries
- Automatically linking categories
- Describing a glossary
- Defining a global glossary
- Defining the main glossary of the course
- Duplicated entries in glossaries
- Edit Always
- Students can post entries
- Comments on entries
- Display formats for entries
- Number of entries shown by page
- Browsing options in Alphabet View frame
- Enabling automatic linking in a glossary
- Importing entries
- Importing categories
- Destination of the entries to import
- RSS feed for this glossary
- Number of RSS recent articles
Entry level help files
- Activity Link
- Slide Show Background Color
- Custom Scoring
- Delete student attempts for this lesson (user id)
- Dependency
- Display Left Menu
- The Grade of the Lesson
- Handling of Re-takes
- Slide Show Height
- Display High Scores
- Importing new questions
- The Jump-to Link
- Use this lesson's settings as defaults
- The Maximum Number of Answers in a Lesson
- The Maximum Number of Attempts (by a Student)
- Number of High Scores Displayed
- Number of Pages (Cards) to Show
- Time Limit
- Pop-up file or web page
- The Minimum Number of Questions in a Lesson
- Allow Student Review
- Action after a Correct Answer
- Ongoing Score
- Overview
- Password
- Practice Lesson
- Progress Bar
- Question Option
- Question Types
- Allowing the Students to Re-take the Lesson
- Display Review Button
- Slide Show
- Timed
- Use of the HTML Editor
- Password Protected Lesson
- Slide Show Width
- Adaptive mode
- Analysis Download
- Analysis Options
- Allow review once quiz is closed
- Attempts
- Calculated questions
- Categories
- Question Categories
- Correct answers
- Creating multiple quizzes
- Decimal digits
- Descriptions
- Essay questions
- Each attempt builds on the last
- Embedded Answers (Cloze)
- Question general feedback
- Grading method
- Importing questions
- Importing Aiken format files
- Importing Blackboard quiz files
- Importing "Course Test Manager" files
- Importing GIFT format files
- Importing "Missing Word" files
- Importing WebCT quiz files
- Item Analysis
- Matching questions
- Match Grades
- Shuffle
- Maximum grade
- Multiple choice questions
- Shuffle answers (Multiple choice)
- Numerical questions
- Opening and closing the quiz
- Overall Feedback
- Penalty factor
- Apply penalty
- Display in a "secure" window
- Question feedback
- Question data sets
- Questions per page
- Question text
- Question types- creating a new question
- Random questions
- Random Short-Answer Matching questions
- The question reordering tool
- Each attempt builds on the last
- Require a password
- Require network addresses
- Responses Download
- Responses Options
- Allow review
- Short Answer questions
- Shuffle answers
- Shuffle questions
- Shuffle within questions
- Time Delay between first and second attempt
- Time Delay between additional quiz attempts
- Time limit
- Opening and closing the quiz
- True/False questions
Resource module
- The advanced features
- The autocontinue function
- How to show/hide the Browse mode button
- The Grading Methods for the Package
- The Maximum Grade Value for the Package
- What is a Package activity?
- Defining the Learning Objects frame/window size
- The summary field use
- The popup window settings